DIGI-BREAKER PLUS is a cooperation partnership that aims to accelerate the green and digital transitions
in the way we work, and to help today’s European workforce adapt to these changes.

The partnership has taken inspiration from the European Pillar of Social Rights, which states that “everyone has the right to timely and tailor-made assistance to improve employment or self-employment prospects”, and from the European Climate Pact, which cites the development of green skills as among the most necessary actions we can take to promote and support green employment. 

In line with the recommendations of the 2021 Porto Declaration, DB+ will put education and skills at
the centre of its activities, so as to support adult learners and their communities to turn the challenges of green and digital transition into opportunities for professional development.


“By understanding how digitalization and green skills can support their job searches, our target group of unemployed job seekers will be able to gain the competences they need to find employment.” 

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